
Monday, January 31, 2011


One day there lived a poor man in a certain village his name was "JEEGE" So JEEGE wondered how do people become rich? he went to consult his friend "KEVIN" who was a christian.. KEVIN told his friend that if he wanted to become rich he should go to church and pray to GOD to make him Rich.... JEEGE went to church and prayed for a couple months telling GOD to make him the richest man in the village so that people can fear him...He continued to pray until he thought that GOD was not listening to his prayer..So JEEGE went to a JUJU Man "witchcraft man"and told him that he wanted to be a rich man..The JUJU man told him to bring a hen..JEEGE did exactly what the JUJU Man told him.. he brought the hen..and the JUJU man told him that if he wanted to be rich then he is going to make him rich..but he should follow the following simple instructions:HE SHOULD STARVE THE HEN FOR 5 CONSERVATIVE DAYS..I.E HE SHOULD NOT GIVE IT FOOD FOR FIVE DAYS..on the 5th day he should bring the Hen back to the JUJU man..
On the 5th day The JUJU Man told him that the number of corns the hen is going to eat is the number of days JEEGE Is going to live with the Riches...JEEGE was very happy because he thought that the hen is going to eat alot of the maize corns because it was hungry...when the JUJU Man threw the corns to the hen the hen just ate 3 corns and went away..The JUJU Man told JEEGE that he is going to stay with his riches for only 3 days...

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