
Friday, January 28, 2011


"One day there was a rich man and his steward...the steward was very obedient to his master.. so one day the rich man decided to travel in far country...so he decided to give his steward (lets say a present, or a gift) so the rich man decided to leave without telling his steward about his journey but he left a note in his room...The note read like this"MY FAITHFUL STEWARD YOU HAVE BEEN VERY OBEDIENT TO ME AND I HAVE DECIDED TO REWARD YOU.. INSIDE MY OFFICE I HAVE A BLANK CHEQUE PLEASE WRITE THE AMOUNT OF MONEY THAT YOU WOULD LIKE...(it was fully signed)".so the steward was very pleased thought the amount of money he would like to write..so he wrote $10000000 and went to the bank to withdraw the amount..so the cashier asked the man(steward) are you sure that he was given you this cheque?The steward answered YES? the cashier asked ask the steward his account no so that he can deposit the money and he did so and everything went as usual.. But the steward was surprise and asked the cashier why he had asked him the question... the cashier told him that he has never seen him(giving such a small amount of money since started his job 20 years ago...

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