
Saturday, January 15, 2011


In- order to respond to the call to love God and our Neighbor as our-self, there are obstacles to be removed, gifts to be discovered limitations to be dealt with. Love warms and natures this process. But i belive that it is suffering that sets the process in motion. Rainer Maria Rilke sentiments" I love that dark hours of my being. Love in dreams is easy but real love is harsh and dreadfuf reality. one of my favourite myths is the story of Adriane. Her response to her pain can serve a message of life for us.
     "When Thesus returns from Athens to Crete, he is given the message that he must pass through the labyrinth of the understanding to slay the minnotaur{a dreadful beast}Frightend by the prospect of this fearsome journey, he enlists the support of Adriane who aggres to hold a thread so that Thesus can both enter the complicated and threatening Labythinth and find his way out. In return for this favour, Thesus promises his friend, Adriadne, that he will take her with him from Crete.

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